

Apr 20, 2019

Cali C.: Just to clarify, RedWeek is not affiliated and does not work for any timeshare resorts. We are a marketplace to buy, sell or rent a timeshare. Many people use our website to rent a timeshare from an owner so they can experience all the amenities of a timeshare resort without the commitment of timeshare ownership.

RedWeek Support
May 23, 2019

Couple things to add is that Redweek does have skin the game in that they do try and rent or sell timeshare. However, you can go to e-bay look at Timeshares for sale and filter less than a 2 bucks and see plenty. Sorry to say the value of timeshare are no longer what they were in the past simply because of the internet. Just like Redweek and many others trying to sell or rent. What I have found are that most timeshare owners whom have looked to rent to sell have ended up spending hundreds and if not thousands trying without success plus time and frustration. This is more the case than not. Now as Jeff indicated if you have a very desirable location and week. Then you might and say might have a chance. Also, its very rare to see or know of anyone that does not have a perpetuity agreement in there Deed. This does go on forever and since you have a deed if something happens to the owners then it gets attached to the estate and someone has to take it. Usually the person handling the estate. Either way just understand your options as I received a timeshare that 5 years ago from my grandparents death and I had to take it in the estate. There was no other option in court due to the perpetuity. Then I listed it for sale and not even a chance of it selling. Then hired a Timeshare Cancellation company and yes, it cost me about 3K, but in 6 months poof gone! For the time, headache and money I had already spent in Maint. Fee's this was well worth it and a set amount! Worked great! Just think you have to have to look them up and make sure good BBB ratings on them.

Jeff F.

Last edited by phyl21 on May 24, 2019 11:06 AM

Jun 03, 2019

We were scammed into buying Vidanta Mayan Palace in MX over a year ago when they lied to us about literally everything. Now it seems MTS Mexican Timeshare Solutions may be scamming us to pay them 1700 for getting rid of it when I’ve already stopped paying and told Vidante we are letting go of our membership entirely. Do we really need MTS and are they just another scammer?

Debbie D.
Jun 11, 2019

Can you tell me anything about RTX Voyager. I think they are more like a pyramid scheme where you give family and friends invites and then you receive points for their vacations.

The company is poorly operated and someone advised contacting the Attorney General. Not sure which one to contact, the state where it was purchased, the state I live in or the federal level?

Christine K.
Jun 16, 2019

Will Summer Bay in Clermont work with me to take it back ?

Ellen K.
Jul 01, 2019

SONNIAR2 if you are still out there. I'm stuck in Wyndham too and I almost feel for an exit company also. What did you end up doing? How did you get out?

Desiree F.

Last edited by on Jul 01, 2019 07:31 PM

Aug 20, 2019

I see a lot of comments that need answers. We would all benefit from these Answers. Is someone contacting these commentors? Just Asking how this works!

George G.
Sep 25, 2019

has anyone used to exit their time share if you have I would be interested to hear about your experience and if they are reputable. Or if anyone can recommend a time share exit company as I am looking to get rid of my Time share.

Bina C.

Last edited by phyl21 on Sep 26, 2019 08:52 AM

Nov 20, 2019

we have a time share with RCI we got in Cancun, would this be the same as a deed or membership, since I don't actually own property, would like to get out of this, could we just stop paying. or do we need to seek a time share exit company

Minette R.

Last edited by minetter3 on Nov 20, 2019 06:47 AM

Nov 30, 2019

We have less than two years to pay on my timeshare. We were pressured to buy this and have had awful experiences when we stayed at RCI properties. This is not at all as was described in the presentation. I have been researching exit companies and am unhappy at the thought of paying more to them than what I owe. However, I am medically disabled and our income has taken such a hit I feel there is only option is not to pay the rest of what we owe. What steps can I take to exit this program?

Mary R.
Apr 18, 2020

If the resort or timeshare club you own with is a member of the industry's European trade body, Resort Development Organisation (RDO) it should comply with the RDO's own Code of Conduct giving its owners more ways to hand back or dispose of their timeshare, free of charge or further financial exposure. RDO has been aware of the concerns of timeshare owners wanting, for good reasons, to simply hand back their timeshare interest at no charge, and no profit. However, maintenance fees should be paid up to date. RDO's requirements of its member resorts stipulate that a timeshare may be handed back, at no charge to the owner.

Pasi S.
Apr 18, 2020

No offense intended to Pasi S, but I would be willing to bet that very few (if any at all) timeshares owned by people reading these RedWeek forums are Europe-based or in any way even remotely associated with the European "RDO" trade body to which you make reference above.

Interesting input, but RDO practices in Europe are of no relevance or help at all to people with timeshares based in the USA or Mexico.


Last edited by ken1193 on Apr 18, 2020 10:43 AM

Jul 11, 2020

Do you guys understand the trap? As the industry goes after timeshare exit scammers, who is going after timeshare lifetime traps? answer is no one. Why would our country allow the worst lifelong trap ever created to continue unchallenged? I for one would like to get to the root of the problem which is the original sin of locking us in to the original scam.

Is their anything else you can think of that has no value and 99% of the buyers can't get rid of and has a constant drain on your money outside of taxes?

Billy A.

Last edited by billya39 on Jul 11, 2020 07:41 AM

Jul 30, 2020

Has anyone had success with a timeshare resale / exit company? I am nervous to talk to anyone but cant keep my timeshare any longer. It's been paid off over 15 years. I think I have lost enough but will have to pay some more to get out of it now.

Paul S.
Jul 30, 2020

These "exit" companies, if they're not outright scams (which many are), will at best charge you thousands of dollars to do something you can do yourself.

Try asking the resort if it will take your unit back. Some timeshare companies such as Diamond, Wyndham, and Westgate have programs in place where they will take units back from owners.

You can also advertise here on RedWeek (but not in these forums) that you want to give your unit away.

Lance C.
Aug 04, 2020

I usually get in trouble trying to see the man behind the curtain in the wizard of OZ.

While everyone keeps you focused on the exit scam companies, no one, absolutely no one in power focuses on the original scam, the timeshare companies. If we had a legitimate exit plan, exit scams would go away naturally. Instead, Timeshare companies attack all exit companies to eliminate all hope of escape for most of us. Yes they make sure everyone keeps the focus elsewhere.

You ever wonder why even politicians don't address this problem? Answer, they are also bought and paid for.

Why would Death be 2nd to Timeshares. You only die once and it's done. If you die, your estate will be responsible for timeshare fees. And it goes on and on until someone doesn't leave any finances behind. Why would something like this exist without a serious challenge from somebody? Anybody? A politician or Lawyer or judge or president?

Billy A.
Aug 07, 2020

Newton Group Transfers is a legitimate exit company guys. Yes most companies are scams. But you gotta do your research

Brayden M.
Aug 07, 2020

NGT might be legitimate but at best, it will charge you thousands of dollars to do what you can do yourself for a lot less money.

There are far cheaper ways to get out of timeshare ownership if you just put forth a little time and effort.

Lance C.
Aug 29, 2020

I paid 4200 to exit and now all correspondence has terminated but not my timeshare. All there emails are gone now as well is there anyone that can help get that money back?

Brian L.
Nov 28, 2020

Are Canadians subject to the same problems as Americans? If we walk away , will our credit rating be affected? We do not own a unit, just the right to use a property.

Roz R.

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