Oct 25, 2007

RedWeek encourages the use of an escrow company for rental transactions. Another poster stated, "...in my own limited observations and experience, First American Title has been either very slow to respond to inquiries or, in other instances, entirely unresponsive at all".

Does anyone else have any experience with First American Title or any other escrow companies?

Mike N.
Oct 25, 2007

mike1536 wrote:
RedWeek encourages the use of an escrow company for rental transactions. Another poster stated, "...in my own limited observations and experience, First American Title has been either very slow to respond to inquiries or, in other instances, entirely unresponsive at all".

Does anyone else have any experience with First American Title or any other escrow companies?

You can do a search (top right hand corner under 'I want to .......') then click search and enter the words escrow companies, or timeshare closing companies or rental escrow companies. There have been discussions of recommended companies in these forums.

I have had experience with closing companies only using escrow for buying/sales, however I have never used an escrow company for a rental, but it's a good idea to do so in order for the renter and owner to be protected.

There seems to be some companies that supposedly offer rentals and when the money is sent the renters never hear from them again. Using an escrow service eliminates these types of scams, however I would not use an escrow service recommended by any rental company. I would use an independent service.

R P.
Jun 05, 2008

How does it work to go through First American for Maui Marriott Time share rental? Your commission, etc?

Dick McCollum

Richard M.
Jun 05, 2008

richardm442 wrote:
How does it work to go through First American for Maui Marriott Time share rental? Your commission, etc?

Dick McCollum

============= Go to the 'Resources' link at the top right corner of the page. You can find the info & agreement forms for the escrow service under the section called 'RedWeek Rental Process'.

The fee is $100 for rentals of less than $1000 (increases with higher rental) payable 50/50 by each party.

Mike N.
Jun 06, 2008

Many owners dislike rental escrow services because they do not actually get paid (by the escrow company) until some weeks after the rental has actually been completed. Personally, I do not shed any tears for these owners, who are ultimately paid in full for the rental ---just not when THEY would like to be paid. Many owners actually want and expect to receive payment in full long BEFORE the rental and will therefore reject any escrow service involvement (which is certainly their prerogative as the owner) .

Other owners WILL accept the use of an escrow service, but are not willing to assume any part of the cost, thereby making it entirely a renter expense, adding (a minimum of) another $100 onto the cost of the actual rental.

In the end, it's really a case by case matter and decision since owners and renters often have different views, different agendas, different levels of trust in other people and different levels of willingness to communicate with one another. People are all different.


Last edited by ken1193 on Jun 08, 2008 09:20 AM

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