R. C. I.

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Original Message:

Yesterday vs. Today Redux... (by KC):

jayjay has stated in relevant quoted part: >>...when we were timesharing .... we received everything we wanted in exchanges, BUT we requested anywhere from 9 months to a year in advance with BOTH exchange companies.

I think the problem with many exchangers is they wait until the last minute to request, especially hard to get exchanges, and then they're disappointed when they don't get what they want and blame the exchange companies. << ==============================================

I must respectfully but strongly disagree a bit here. As I have expressed in specific, itemized detail in several recent posts, I believe that the experiences and rules of "yesteryear" are now mostly obsolete and, in large measure, no longer particularly relevant or applicable. The entire exchange game is just completely and entirely different today than it was just a very few years ago, with deposits now going in assorted new and unprecedented directions (instead of actually becoming available for "exchange").

Reading through the posts of long-time exchangers on other timeshare sites (primarily TUG) clearly and repeatedly reveals that for the most part, "all bets are off" in the new exchange game of today, at least as compared to the practices and results of "yesteryear". These reports of recent personal experiences are by seasoned and knowledgeable timeshare owners who are comparing the exact same deposits and the exact same advance deposit time frames --- but yet are finding and reporting that, today, those exact same actions now yield entirely different and previously unprecedented results (or, more accurately stated, now do NOT any longer yield successful results, as they once did).

I DO agree with ONE point you made, however. It is certainly true (and it will likely always be so) that 90% of those hopeful people "depositing for exchange" are all basically seeking the same 10% of prime weeks. That math is always and inevitably going to yield considerable disappointement for many (maybe most) people; a situation only worsened and exacerbated by the radical changes in the practices and policies of the "big two" exchange companies in recent years.