Buying, Renting, and Selling Timeshares

timeshare offered to me for free...good deal? sorry new here

Dec 09, 2010

i have been offered a timeshare, for week 51 in Orlando for free which equals 71,000 points for a mf of $900....ummmm is this a good deal?

Charles S.

Last edited by charless467 on Dec 09, 2010 01:06 PM

Dec 09, 2010

charless467 wrote:
i have been offered a timeshare, for week 51 in Orlando for free which equals 71,000 points for a mf of $900....ummmm is this a good deal?
1. Week 51 in any and every year is always going to include Christmas Day. I could be wrong, but I frankly don't know how many people are particularly interested in spending Christmas Day at "The Mouse". Then again, since the ownership has associated RCI points, you can instead use those RCI points to go to some other RCI affiliated facility --- *IF* there is space available to reserve at another facility where you might want to go instead, when you want to go there (i.e. there are no absolutely guarantees).

2. A $900 annual maintenence fee is pretty hefty. You could certainly RENT a week for less than that almost anytime.

Only YOU can really decide whether this particular week has any future use or value to you. Personally, it certainly wouldn't interest me AT ALL, but I acknowledge that everyone is different. As they say, "your mileage may vary".


Last edited by ken1193 on Dec 10, 2010 04:12 AM

Dec 10, 2010

As Ken stated, it's a personal decision only you can answer.

BUT, be aware that once you take ownership of those points, you will then be responsible for yearly maintenance fees (that will probably go up) until the ownership is transferred out of your name.

It's much easier to buy a timeshare or points than to sell a timeshare or points, ESPECIALLY in this economy.

I also agree that you can rent for $900 (or less) without the hassels of ongoing ownership.

If you're mainly interested in the Orlando area .... there are more timeshare resorts in that area than any other place on earth .... check out the rentals here.

R P.
Dec 10, 2010

Also, when checking rental rates .... just because an owner lists a rental rate doesn't mean they'll get it ..... some are outrageously high.

R P.

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